Thursday, October 09, 2008


We're number 16! We even beat Stanford! I have no idea how we managed that, but yay us.

(Note, even though this is totally identifying, please don't mention my university's name in the comments—I'm hiding from Google, not from you.)


Anonymous said...

I remember when I was trying to be happy with the rankings last year, a slew of friends in biologically-related departments would rebuff me by claiming the rankings are all because of the John Curtin medical school. Killjoys.

Kelly said...

"We're #65!" doesn't quite have the same ring to it - good on you for picking #16! That's really high for a non-US, non-UK university.

Unknown said...

we're #71!

Joanna said...

You're at the same University as me!
And geez, we're above some big-name players...

StyleyGeek said...

t, I think that officially makes you a killjoy too :(

Joanna - do we know each other? Did you know I was at your uni before this post? Did you somehow find this blog by looking for something related to our university? (I know, I'm a bit paranoid).