Sunday, September 26, 2010


We just caught a student who had posted flyers around the department(!) asking to buy an essay for one of her classes.

Problem is, she hadn't had any takers yet, so hasn't actually committed the crime. Can we "prosecute" her (i.e. kick her out) for planning to cheat? Time will tell.

I think an elaborate sting operation would have been more fun, myself.


Seeking Solace said...

DAAAAMMMNNN!!! That is frakin' bold.

I doubt you could do anything now. Although she has taken the first step in solicitation. Although, if someone takes her up on the offer, then you got her dead to rights.

But still, WOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

A sting would have been so much better.

Especially since she'll probably claim that she "accidentally" sought to cheat and that she "didn't know any better" because her professor "didn't say [they] couldn't" buy essays for the class.

And since an awful lot of people buy this stuff from students: if a student says she didn't know any better than to cheat, clearly the cheating is the professor's fault for not explaining clearly enough that not only can you not use someone's words as a small quote in your paper without attribution, but your paper cannot consist entirely of other people's words without attribution, or at all, really. On a day when the student was present, alert, and paying attention to the professor rather than to something interesting happening on Facebook.

Stacey Olugin said...

This looks bleak, it's understandable that need help in their dissertation writing but I couldn't believe she would look for it around the department no less. A lot of people debate on if it's right or not because technically it isn't plagiarism, but then again it IS someone buying someone else's work.