Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Student: "I have been really struggling with your class this semester. I was hoping you could give me some tips."

Lecturer: "What is it that you've been finding so difficult?"

Student: "Well, I go to the five o'clock lecture stream and I have to admit, I tend to fall asleep and miss most of what you say."

Lecturer: "Well then, my tip is to TRY STAYING AWAKE."


Anonymous said...

this made me laugh really hard this morning! thanks.

Anonymous said...

hmmm 8am chemistry lectures ....

I think I actually made it to 1/3 of those

StyleyGeek said...

At least you stayed away rather than turning up and sleeping through them.

But I have to admit I feel sorry for the sleepers. I have been there myself. There was one class in particular I used to take that was at 6pm on a Friday, and the lecturer always used to show slides, so it was in a darkened room. I don't remember making it through a single lecture without at least a 10 minute (involuntary) nap.