Friday, September 14, 2007

Things you don't want to hear your husband say while he is dying your hair

"I'm trying to make it look artistic."

"This will make it more interesting."

"No one looks at your head from both sides at once, anyway, do they?"


hgg said...

Why on earth would you let your husband dye your hair anyway? Is he a hairdresser? If not I'd let mine, if I had one, stay far away from my hair...;-)

Badaunt said...

Things you don't want to hear when your man is CUTTING your hair:

"Damn. There's blood everywhere."

Anonymous said...

Inside every theoretical physicist there's a frustrated hairdresser trying to get out. Trust me on this.

Pilgrim/Heretic said...

You must post pictures, now!

StyleyGeek said...

Actually, it looks fine. (I was surprised too). The plan was to dye it myself, but I couldn't see the back...

Queen of West Procrastination said...

You know, Mr. QWP dyes my hair all the time! It simultaneously brings out his inner chemist, artist, and obsessive. It turns out more evenly than dyeing it myself. And I'm too cheap to have a hairdresser do it.