Saturday, September 20, 2008

Murphy's Law x 2

1. Every time it's my turn to drink at a party, there's nothing more exciting than some random $10 wines. When it's my turn to stay sober and drive, on the other hand, there's guaranteed to be cocktails, G&Ts, vodka and lime, and a variety of sweet sticky drinkies. (This has happened twice now, so clearly it's no longer coincidence, and Dionysus is personally gunning for me.)

2. Dying your hair for a party is a total waste of time if the party is going to have "mood" lighting, a.k.a all you can see is a bunch of shadows and the occasional sparkle of wine glasses.

On the plus side: for at least another week (6–8 washes), I look like I'm doing a Willow impression.


Anonymous said...

ummm..... I don't know that it will necessarily wash out that quickly - red may well stain your hair. I once used a reddish shampoo and it stained my hair pink, and I had to dye it out.

There's nothing wrong with looking like willow!

Anonymous said...

woah! awesome color!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

If your hair's like mine, it'll wash out in 6-8 washes (even if it's permanent and even if you use special shampoo), but it'll also bleach your hair blonder! Whee!

I love that colour, by the way.

Weekend_Viking said...

Good colour. what sort of dye?

J. and I have just discovered what the eco-nuts who sell us our henna have not been telling us about the ingredients for some time: The red henna J. prefers isn't actually henna, it's italian senna, which isn't a hair dye at all, just a mild colourant and conditioner, and the deep red colour comes from an un-stated amount of sodium picramate added to the mix - and sodium picramate is a really unstable relative of picric acid, one of the all time unstable dangerous explosives. It's not present in explosive quantities ,but it is prese4nt in reactive quantities such that the hair will readily react with alkaline chemicals such as other hair dyes in a hair destroying exothermic reaction.

Bloody eco organic nuts who are incapable of doing basic chemistry have been selling this stuff for years.

oh, yeah, it's also moderately carcinogenic.

StyleyGeek said...

Shrinkykitten - I'm a bit worried about that, actually. I used this brand once before, but the 12-15 wash version, and it never washed out properly. I also ended up with a pink tone left in. But I was hoping because this is a shorter-lasting one it wouldn't do that...

WV - that's disturbing! I'm sure the chemicals in this dye aren't great either, but at least it's not pretending to be eco-friendly. It's the Schwarzkopf Live Diva brand, Raven Red flavour.

Psych Post Doc said...

Love the color.

I've done red highlights a lot and it always fades quicker than any other color. Even with the special shampoo.

Weekend_Viking said...

Oh, if you can do Evil Willow impressions, it'll be even better. 'specially with the corsets.

Liz Miller said...

I love the color!

michiexile said...

LOVE the hair color!

As for getting decent beverages when you're allowed to drink them - why not solve the whole dilemma by .. y'know .. HOSTING a dedicated cocktail party?