Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Geekman, child development expert

Me: "Ha, look at that toddler. It's like he knows he's supposed to be bipedal but hasn't quite figured out how it works."

We watch the kid pull himself to his feet and fall over a few times.

Geekman: "Send him back to the jungle and evolve him a bit longer. I don't think he's quite done yet."


Anonymous said...

You could ask him if he'd rather humans were born ready to run, or with still-developing large brains that later on will be able to do physics equations. ;-)

Anonymous said...

No reason they can't have both, provided we add another year or so to the gestation period. And give the birth process a bit of a redesign, of course, but let's face it, it could definitely use some improvement.

Anonymous said...

dude, you are not adding so much as a week to my gestation period. I am so done. go ahead and redesign the birth process, though. the ratio of infant head size to my pelvis is killing me.

Anonymous said...

Geekman, if you can fit the head of a one-year-old child through your pelvis, good luck to you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

You're quite right about the redesign though - the birth process is far too difficult and risky. Unless you're like a mutual friend of ours, of course, who pops them out in no time flat. :-)

StyleyGeek said...

I didn't get that reference, Grace, until Geekman told me he heard about b's birth-story from another mutual friend of ours.

My god! I thought side-of-the-road births only happened in TV dramas!