Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ah yes, people asking me to work for free: must be Wednesday

So I'm sitting in my office at 9:30 at night working because I have so much shit to do I am stressed out of my little treehouse, and a certain senior colleague drops by and makes himself comfortable on the edge of my desk.

"Hey, you know what's fun?" he asked. "If you're working in the evening, and you need to take a little break?"


"Well, you can go next door to the linguistics library, and do a bit of tidying. It's in a terrible state! And you know, with the budget cuts and all, we had to stop paying someone to organise it. So if we all just shelve a few books here and there when we're tired of working, it'll get back in shape in no time!"

He beamed at me. "You know what I did last night?" he continued. "When I'd shelved some books and tidied the tables, I chose a section, and I re-alphabetised it! Would you believe: someone had shelved Jones after Joseph, and Jenkins before Jamison! Anyway, I've done I–K, so feel free to take any of the other sections when you get a moment."


Sarah said...

Wow. Dude has no life.

Weekend_Viking said...

I think it has now become obvious why they asked to catalog any weapons you keep in your office - so they can identify the killer from the wounds on the bodies of the dead brainless academics...

Anonymous said...

dude, your department is weird.

Psych Post Doc said...

I think the first problem with him is his use of the word "fun". How is that fun?

Liz Miller said...

Oh. Dear. Lord.

Breena Ronan said...

That guy must think you are very gullible or he just doesn't get social interactions involving humans.