Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hey, check out my site meter!

This blog just hit 100,000 visitors!

The 100,000th was whoever lives in Wilson, North Carolina, with the IP address starting with 66.26.66, who clicked over from this old post on Everyday Scientist. (You are also using WindowsXP, Firefox, your system is set to English language, and your monitor resolution is 1024 x 768. I know, spooky, huh?)

I'd offer a prize, but since you stayed for 0 seconds and only viewed one page, I can't imagine you'll be back.

This post brought to you by Stalky "OMG I can't believe you can get that much information about me" McStalkerson.


Jason @ PSB said...

Don't be ashamed, I'm a Site Meter nerd too. I check that thing almost everyday. It's fun to see what people are searching for that lead to my blog.

Psych Post Doc said...

"This post brought to you by Stalky "OMG I can't believe you can get that much information about me" McStalkerson".

ha ha ha ha

congrats on 100,000

incalculable said...

Wow, 100,000! Impressive!

I used to be a Creepy McStalkerson too. Oh, how I miss google analytics on my old blogger site... *sigh*. Can any Wordpress wizard out there tell me how to get something comparable going? (No, I don't know how to any of that programming stuff -- no clue.)

Bardiac said...

LOL, congrats!

Just a caveat: If you're using sitemeter, it seems to show zero time for anyone who just clicks in and doesn't click from the page. So, the person might actually have read you last couple of entries with great interest, catching up because they read every day, whatever.

You could check this theory, I suppose, but I've never bothered...

StyleyGeek said...

Bardiac, I think you are right about the time. But the entry the 100,000th person clicked to was a single post from the archives, and so they clearly didn't read more than just that one.

Jason@PSB: I'm not ashamed in the least! :)

But it does make me consider using anonymous browsing options in my own surfing...

Jason @ PSB said...

Why be anonymous? Add to the ever-growing demographic calculator that is the world wide web world order. I swear there is an uber-computer somewhere compiling all this data for who knows what. Conspiracy theorist could have so much fun with it, but I personally look at it as a giant sociological experiment. It's part of the reason I collect shopping lists. I know that probably made little to no sense.

Jessi said...

Wow, congratulations!