Friday, January 09, 2009

Something that never fails to amuse me

The person who is in charge of administering grant money at our university has a surname which sounds exactly like French for "pays well".

Do you know anyone with an exceptionally appropriate (or inappropriate) name?


Weekend_Viking said...

I had a dentist by the name of Dr Gummer...

Anonymous said...

While doing a search on Web of Science last year I came across a Turkish researcher with the last name of "Kukulu". "Kuku" is the term for vagina that kids use (though an online dictionary gives a more vulgar translation), and "lu" means "with." So her last name is "with vagina."

And she's a gynecologist. No joke!

peterxyz said...

a head of communications at a previous employer called Cassandra

Crawlspace said...

I once met a fella who's first name was that of one of the States and his last name was phonetically the same as Chef (though spelled different). I later met a Chef from the same State as the previous fellas name sake.

Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Connecticut's chief medical examiner: Dr. Carver.

Grace Dalley said...

My dentist's name is Payne. He's actually gentle and kindly, though.

Anonymous said...

When I was at primary school the police officer who came around to talk about safety was Officer Crook. Apparently there was also an Officer Bandit somewhere.

At my student health one of the doctors was Dr Cox, apparently she also worked at the sexual health clinic. (At least my childhood GP, Dr Crabb did not work there).

Don't forget the former head of the Philippine Catholic Church, Cardinal Sin. (he used to take great delight in inviting people to the house of Sin.)

Grace Dalley said...

This is a slight tangent, but when I wa at school there was a lady on the school board called Mrs Cox. We were all highly amused when one of the staff kept referring to her (unintentionally) as Mrs Dick.

StyleyGeek said...

Those are awesome.

Grace, I used to go to Dr Payne too!

Anonymous said...

I knew a bassoonist named Melody Huffer once.