Friday, October 12, 2007

I heart my supervisor

I arrived in at university yesterday to find my supervisor had been leaving messages all over the place because she "urgently" wanted to see me. You can imagine the sort of dread that accompanied that discovery, as I imagined all sorts of things that could have come up to delay me submitting my thesis.

But you know what she wanted to see me about? Two questions:

1. Should she buy groceries for dinner for Friday night, or would she and I be too busy celebrating for her to go home and eat?

2. Did I have enough drinking buddies already, or should she invite some more people to join us?


Liz Miller said...


Anonymous said...

Styley, that's wonderful! I hope you have a wonderful celebratory evening, you sure deserve it.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

How sweet! My supervisor might go to Starbucks a little early to claim the big table for me... :).

Anonymous said...

That's so cool!!

One of my advisor's good points was celebrating the milestones, and after my defense she asked me which I'd prefer: if she and I went out to lunch ourselves, she'd take me to the snazzy restaurant, or if I wanted to bring people, she'd take us to the Indian buffet. I went with Indian buffet. It was pretty nice. (I should add that advisor was NOT someone I would hang out and drink with, so this was as celebratory as it would get. Your advisor sounds like much more fun.)

AS said...

Oh Styley, that is just way to cool.

Bardiac said...

Your advisor rocks!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I am so excited for you! And I've said this a million times, but I love your advisor. She very much rocks.