Saturday, October 07, 2006

We're going to have lived somewhere for five years

I am tired of waiting until our happy news is all signed and official before sharing it with the world. It already almost got taken away again once, and if (miscellaneous deities forbid) it does go horribly wrong in the end, I will want to rant about that here, so I might as well share while the news still looks good.

Geekman's contract has been extended for another two years!

You may remember this. Such angstings are now a thing of the past. At least, for another year and a half or so (which technically makes them a thing of the future, but let's try not to think about that, okay?) Even better: people are making noises about promotions and longer term contracts if his centre gets its funding renewed.

As you can imagine, we are both pleased and incredibly relieved (what with previously not having a clue what we were doing after December this year or whether we could stay in the country and all).

Geekman is the reason why the term "imposter syndrome" was coined, so he also firmly believes that someone somewhere has made a mistake and/or is employing him out of pity, but we all know that's not how it works in the real world. Since my understanding of physics is nowhere near what it would need to be for me to assess whether his self-evaluation really is a complete load of bollocks, I am always glad to get some clue as to how I should resolve the conflict between believing him and believing in him. And a two-year job extension is a pretty damn good clue.

Geekman doesn't suck! Hooray for him!


Anonymous said...

Hooray! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

2 year extension is definitely good. I got a ~ 6 month extension, but the ARC fund for my project was only 3 year max, so slightly more limited in scope.


Anonymous said...

taht was me again...beta always uses my other login name

Anonymous said...

:D excellent stuff

Nicola said...

Gogogo Geekman! Tell him to crinkle those eyebrows and stop angsting NOW.

Nicola said...

Ich sitze hier und mir prickeln die Augen. Ich bin wirklich so glücklich für Euch beide. Ich drücke ihn (und Dich) ganz doll.

Anonymous said...

Tell him he is *intersubjectively* cute! And now, intersubjectively brainy, too. ;-)
(because we all know objectivity is just a big lie)

StyleyGeek said...

Thanks, people!

Stellar_muddle: the ARC funds for his centre are only until the end of next year too (unless they get extended), but his boss has offered to continue paying his salary out of his own grant.

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you to stay here longer too. In fact, that's one sucky thing about getting this extension: it makes us feel really bad for all our friends who are currently NOT getting one. In Geekman's dept, for example, there are other people whose contracts also run out this year, and they haven't been offered anything further, and it makes him feel guilty whenever he talks to them (plus we'll miss them when they leave!) Have you started looking for jobs in your new place yet?

Jana: I was going to reply to that in German, but it is not coming easily. That is the downside of another couple of years surrounded by Angloglots -- I'll be completely unable to speak any brand of Foreign again by the end of it :(

Grace: I told him and it made him scowl. That was the intended reaction, right?

12:18 PM

Weekend_Viking said...

Excellent, we'll see you when we pass through for the next couple of festivals then :-)

Anonymous said...

Tell him congratulations, too! Wonderful news. :-D

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congratulations!htth

Anonymous said...

yippee!!! (I like the term 'imposter syndrom' - seems like academia breeds this kind of feeling. I've even known famous types espouse this opinion of themselves.)

StyleyGeek said...

New Kid, does htth stand for something that I'm not cool enough to know about, or are you hissing at me?