Sunday, December 03, 2006


Well, I'm going to rejoice, anyway.

I just found a floppy disk containing all the essays I wrote for first year undergraduate. And although I was certain that I had, it turns out I did not once use the sentence, "These poems/novels/plays have many similarities and many differences." Nor did I, in my linguistics assignments, ever fall into the linguistics equivalent of this and refer to "all the known letters of the alphabet".

I rock. (Well, more than my students, anyway.)


~profgrrrrl~ said...

Oh, do I feel old! Most of my undergraduate papers did not make it onto a floppy disk. They were done with a typewriter unless a friend was kind enough to loan an early Mac.

StyleyGeek said...

We had three "Mac classics" (Mac Jurassics) in our hall of residence. Most students were too scared of them, so there was never a queue.

Fortunately I was forward-thinking enough to save everything in rtf, so it is still readable.

Anonymous said...

Hee, as opposed to the unknown letters of the alphabet...

StyleyGeek said...

Exactly :)

Not to mention that there is almost NEVER a situation in which we want them to say anything about a language's "letters". Yet they persist.

You'd think speakers of English, of all languages, would get the difference between sounds and letters. Especially after we taught it to them 98 million times.


Sarah said...

I think I saw that "many similarities and many differences" sentence in one of the quotes used in a NY Times article on essays bought on the internet!