Monday, March 19, 2007

Three things that make me ridiculously happy

(1) I changed the windscreen wiper blades on my car all by myself! Nothing makes a girl feel competent like successful DIY car repairs.

(2) It has rained all day. That in itself would make me happy, but today it also meant I had a chance to watch the wipers go swoosh swoosh swoosh instead of scrape scrape screech and to see them make the windscreen all sparkly instead of just spreading the mud and water more evenly around. Unfortunately, these new clean and friendly-sounding wiper blades completely hypnotised me while I was waiting at an intersection. I must have been swaying back and forth in time with them and cheering them on ("Swoosh-swoosh! Swoosh-swoosh!") for quite a while after the light had changed and before the people behind me hooted me back to reality.

(3) The university wireless network has developed expansionist ambitions. Initially wireless access was confined to a few libraries and other hotspots, but it must have found something to feed on (undergraduates?), because over the past few years it has sent gradual exploratory tentacles out across the university campus. Today I switched on my laptop inside our department and, for the first time, a signal was available! The poor wee thing was weak and intermittent and seemed shy about staying for a whole round of find-the-database, but if I can just keep it, I promise I'll feed it and groom it and take it for walks until it's all grown up. (And then I'll release it on the world and you'll all be DOOMED! DOOMED! DOOMED!*)


* I think I just found a fourth thing that makes me ridiculously happy: typing DOOMED!. No, really. You should try it. I dare you to write a blog entry that requires you to use the word DOOMED!. (Capitals are compulsory). You'll feel so much better.


kermitthefrog said...

I accept your dare. Later today, perhaps...

Pilgrim/Heretic said...

That totally cracked me up, especially #2. Go, wipers, go!

Badaunt said...

Everytime I read about wireless networks that work I wish I had a laptop. Then I remember that I DO have an old laptop, but when I was using it I never took it anywhere. When you don't have a car you think very carefully before adding anything to your bag.

But isn't it good when things go well!


(Just checking. I think you're right.)

StyleyGeek said...

I know, that's why I never take my laptop anywhere usually. It mostly just sits on the dining room table as a second desktop computer.

(Not that I don't have a car, but I refuse to use it on principle unless I really really have to. Yesterday it was pouring with rain, plus it was a public holiday, so free parking on campus, plus I was coming home after dark and carrying six library books. I felt those together made up enough excuse to take the car).

DrOtter said...

Do you do the Scottish accent when you say doomed Doomed DOOOMED? If not, you should.

StyleyGeek said...

I didn't realise I was supposed to, Propter Doc. Actually, I don't know what a Scottish "doomed" sounds like... Perhaps you should demonstrate.

Sidonia said...

Ha, I liked that! DOOMED!

DrOtter said...

Well, if you insist! I have demonstrated a Scottish Doomed. Don't laugh too hard!