Friday, March 14, 2008


Miss M asked how I was planning to celebrate the final hand-in of the final bound version of the thesis. I thought I'd wait until after the fact and then report. So here's how it went.

It started with a wander through the markets, which landed me a cute second-hand necklace for all of $5. It can be my Dr StyleyGeek necklace.

Then new glasses, which cost a lot more than $5. I call them my Dr. StyleyGeek glasses. (Do you detect a theme?)

Geekman cooked me a delicious dinner of baked salmon in white wine and lemon sauce. I guess that's what Dr. StyleyGeek eats for dinner.

Then there were cocktails. (Mine was an "Up and About": kiwifruit, ginger, vodka, absinth, vanilla and apple. Very tasty and it made a satisfying SPLOSH when the bottom fell out of the glass as I carried it across the room.) Dr. StyleyGeek is the sort of person who drinks cocktails (and spills them all over the floor).

Then there was cheese, and a bottle of wine between us. It was my Dr. StyleyGeek wine and cheese.

Then there were hangovers. I guess Dr. StyleyGeek gets hangovers.

And now there is some horrible virus that makes me want to lie on the floor and cry. Dr StyleyGeek, cure thyself. Nope, damn, I should have become the OTHER kind of doctor.

But apart from that, it was all just lovely.

(Dr. StyleyGeek says) The End.


hgg said...

sounds like a great celebration! Congratulations Doctor!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I agree -- a good celebration...

your glasses look a lot like mine... mine are rectangular and metal all around the bottom, but otherwise are very similar.. hmm.

Anonymous said...

it sounds lovely (except for the hangover). and congratulations. :)

Jenny said...

I do believe, Dr S. Geek, that by far the most significant parts of your celebration were the "cute second-hand necklace for all of $5" and the hangovers.

Wooooo! once again!

Anonymous said...

i love the new necklace and glasses! congrats again! except for the virus and all...

The History Enthusiast said...

CONGRATS! I am so thrilled for you!

P.S. I love making salmon with white wine and lemon. Sometime you should try adding capers too. They are fabulous.

Amanda said...

YAY! That was a great story. I laughed out loud.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Ha. I love your Dr. Stylegeek celebrations. Except for the hangover and the virus.

(I love practicing what my name will sound like when I get to add the "Dr." to the front of it.)

ScienceGirl said...

Sounds like a great celebration (-hangover -virus). Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Dr. S. Geek! And, btw, that is a very cute little virus you got there.

p.s. On the lemon issue...I'm German and I would definitely want to know about worms in my lemons...