Monday, March 31, 2008

Would you make of this what I make of this?

Hi [StyleyGeek]

I’m planning a little function in New Zealand which I would really like it if you and [Geekman] were able to attend. I have three possible dates: 29th June, 6th July and 13th July. Which of those might you be able to make? The other thing is that I'm looking for a good wedding photographer. Do you remember the name of the photographer you had at your wedding? I thought she was quite good.


Is this a wedding invitation?

Was he planning on telling us he was seeing someone before making this announcement? And holy crap, it is going to suck to get there, since all three of those dates coincide with really important things (e.g. my class's final exam, visitors from overseas, a conference, my graduation...)


Weekend_Viking said...

It does look like a half arsed wedding invitation, doesn't it. Possibly best to tell him right now that none of the dates work, and bluntly enquire if he's getting married again, as that way the ranting will end earlier, and then a compromise can be planned. Although fathers don't compromise well.

Seeking Solace said...


Yeah, it does sound like a half-assed wedding invite.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I think the combination of his wanting to make sure you are there and the wedding photographer is supicious... I'd call him and tell him your conflicts and ask if he's getting married.... and, if not, why is your presence so important?

Anonymous said...

I would certainly take that as a--in fact, possibly the world's lamest--wedding invitation.

ScienceGirl said...

It sure sounds like it...

sab said...

Wow, yeah, it does kind of look like an "i'm not going to say it but i'm getting married" wedding invite.

It could be two unrelated thoughts... does your dad know anyone else getting married? Someone he'd maybe help find a wedding photographer for??

Bardiac said...

I can only think of one person who would be goofy enough to think that was funny.

However, I'm pretty sure I'm not your dad. (Err, not to imply that your dad is goofy...)

Lucy said...

I thought my dad's wedding invitation was lame, but this might be worse. My brothers and I found out dad was getting married when he sent a form email to a big list of people, with 10 days notice. Although, I think that ended up just being a party to celebrate in advance. He did wait to get married until I could be there, at least.

Did he change his facebook status to engaged yet?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Weekend's advice. Have you ever met her? Maybe they can come for a short visit and let you get used to the idea of them as an engaged couple.

StyleyGeek said...

Bardiac - I don't think he thinks he's funny. I don't know that he realises he's being strange.

Physicschick, I don't know anyone else he might be helping with getting married - but even if it is that, I can't imagine what would be so important he'd want me to come overseas for it.

Dorie - no, I haven't met her. I kind of know about her, but mostly by accident, and he's never actually _admitted_ to her existence. I don't think I could handle a visit in the middle of semester, though.

StyleyGeek said...

Oh, and Lucy, his facebook status doesn't even say "in a relationship". But he sends her soppy messages and writes on her wall a lot.

~profgrrrrl~ said...

Ummm, at least he's sort of telling you before the wedding? My dad flew back from Europe with the woman I knew as his girlfriend when I was about 10 and when we'd been together in the car for about 5 min he says "Hey, so your mom is getting married next week, right? Well we beat her to it!" and sure enough they had gotten married the week before. It was a lovely moment.

So, you going to the "event"?

Jenny said...

I agree with the others - does look like half arsed invitation. Two odd requests, they're too odd to be unrelated.

Sometimes I'm really glad my folks are still together - the weirdest it ever gets is when every five years or so Dad looks over the dinner table at Mum and asks her if she wants a divorce yet, which she thinks about for a moment and then replies that she can't be bothered.