Sunday, March 02, 2008

So, just out of pure intellectual curiosity

Not that I'm asking for any particular reason... Let's say a friend of mine wants to know.

Um, does anyone know how to get superglue off skin?


Gnome said...

Nail polish remover.

Weekend_Viking said...

Yep, Acetone, which is, in other words, nail polish remover. And no making TATP, it's too unstable to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Uh...superglue remover??

RageyOne said...

Um, from experience, there is superglue remover (for the skin) in the same section that superglue is sold.

Nicola said...

A longer article, essntially based on the lovig use of nail-polish remover (acetone-based):

Seeking Solace said...

Nail polish remover or maybe rubbing alcohol.

The History Enthusiast said...

Depending on how much there is and where it is located, use a nail file to scrub it off. This works best if it is on the pads of your fingers, which is usually where I get stuck.

Julep said...

Wow. A certain friend of mine could have used all this advice on Friday night! Anyway now I am just really curious whether this amount of know-how from your blog readers is somehow unique to their general geekiness or if a random sampling of the blogosphere would turn up as many helpful tips for such a weird problem???

flossie said...

In my experience you have to wait until your skin naturally regenerates to get it all off.

Juggling Frogs said...

I've read that vaseline works. It's inert and easier on the skin than acetone/nail polish remover.

Good luck!

L said...

If all else fails, just cut it off... Although it does depend on the area and the amount of glue...

StyleyGeek said...

I didn't have any nail polish remover with acetone in it, so was waiting until I got some before replying to this. But meanwhile the glue kind of wore off all by itself.

Thanks for all the suggestions, though. I - uh, my FRIEND - really appreciates it.