Friday, November 03, 2006



Lucy said...

I love this photo - they're so perfectly arranged, and match the background so nicely :)

StyleyGeek said...

Yes, it was very kind of them to arrange themselves so neatly for me.

(On the other hand, on a day when you take 45 photos of parrots, it seems reasonable to expect you'll get some lucky shots.)

Jenny said...

On the eigth* day of christmas,
StyleyGeek happened to see,
Eight galah's a-skwarking in one of the trees around the university...

*give or take

Ianqui said...

Are you kidding me? Things that look like that bird are just sitting around in the trees around universities and in the cities? Maybe I really do need to get out of NYC. I don't see myself being able to move to Australia any time soon, though.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I really want to live where there are wild parrots...

StyleyGeek said...

Yup, this was in the middle of the city, Ianqui. Directly across the road from my apartment, actually.

And there was a nest, too, with galahs feedings something inside so I'm going to be obsessively staking out the treee in the hope of seeing some baby! parrots!

The wildlife in the middle of the city is something that makes up for any of the negative things about this town. I love it.