Friday, September 15, 2006

Carnival of GRADual Progress

Styleygeek has charged me with letting you all know that she's going to be somewhere benighted over the weekend, and will have no access to the internet. Assuming she survives this terrible ordeal, she'll be back and putting up the Carnival of GRADual Progress on Monday.

That's all she wanted me to tell you, but now that I'm here I'm feeling an unaccustomed thrill of power. A blog, and it's all mine! With readers, even! A soapbox on which I can stand and pontificate at length on all sorts of important issues dear to my heart. I could take this blog in far more interesting directions, let me tell you. There'd be fewer parrots, for a start. Fewer fish masquerading as mammals. More Linux. More on the universe; how it came to be and where it's going. Long essays on how quantum mechanics will get you a date on Friday night...

Oh, yes. There will be some changes around here.

Geekman wanders off, drunk with power, plotting his world blog domination.


Jenny said...

But no more pictures of random creatures and interesting stories to go with them?

Though, I'd be interested to hear your take on the quantum mechanics point.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Wow -- Geekman's version of StyleyGeek's blog is something that my husband would read. He was very excited.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

(I miss you, StyleyGeek!)

RageyOne said...

Hmmmm...can't wait to see what Geekman comes up with...

Anonymous said...

Geekman, that's quite enough manic laughter. I can hear it from here!

Anonymous said...

Miss M - unfortunately I can't do exciting pictures, because StyleyGeek selfishly took the camera. On the other hand, you should probably be grateful, lest I start taking pictures of things like fish fingers (my dinner last night) and waxing enthusiastic about them.

Regarding the quantum mechanics thing, I did, in fact, once use the phrase "Let me help you with your quantum field theory homework" as a pick up line :)

Anonymous said...

Rageyone, I haven't really come up with anything yet, and I'm reluctant to do anything too outrageous for fear of Styleygeek giving me a sound beating when she returns. Two things that did cross my mind are a post explaining why giving linux a try might be in your best interests, and a post explaining what the theory of relativity is and how it works. I'd do the first post because judging by the site traffic stats, almost all of you are using Windows XP or Mac OS, and I feel the world would be better with more variety (amongst other reasons). I'd do the second post because I feel that if more of the population understands how relativity works I'd get less spam to my work address from people claiming they've "proved Einstein wrong" and demanding I spread their theory around the academic community.

Jesse said...

guest bloggers are rad.

I had things to say, until I got a blog. Now I have nothing to say. funny how that works.

Geekman, run with it while you can.

Nicola said...

Geekman, *dahling*, that time when you helped me with my chemistry homework - was I being obtuse? Did I miss hidden signals?

Anonymous said...

Jana - What, it's taken you eight years to consider the possibility? ;)

Nicola said...

Twelve years. But yes. What can I say? CHEM 101 chemistry beat interpersonal chemistry. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Jana, I think you are being disingenuous! I distinctly remember Geekman taking you for a romantic tour of the flocculation ponds. If that's not a sign of blatant interest, what is? :-D

StyleyGeek said...

Oi! Geekman! Stop flirting with other women on my blog.

See what I have to put up with?

Anonymous said...

Surely it doesn't count if they're all in different countries...