Saturday, September 02, 2006

The departmental divide: a comparative study

Whenever I visit Geekman over in the physics department, it reminds me to be thankful that instead of being dumped in eight-person warehouses...

...we linguists get cute little two person offices.

On the other hand, their plants seem to be doing a lot better than ours are:

And while we make do with a creaky old blackboard and chalk...

...even the newest whiteboard isn't enough for the physicists:

As we are on the topic of kitchens, I'd like to point out that theirs might have the upper hand in gadgets, but ours is a minimalist dream:

The posters they put on their walls might look cooler...

...but I'm sure you'll agree that ours disseminate more vital information:

Sadly, though, in the area that matters to me most they are winning hands down:


Lucy said...

I love this post :) That last noticeboard looks so sad... I'm sorry.

Rebecca said...


But that really was a great photo blog.

Nicola said...

Fantastic series of photos, StyleyGeek!

StyleyGeek said...

Thanks! The saddest thing about that last notice board is that the two notices on the far right aren't even about postgrad opportunities, but belong to the next board along (journal calls for papers).


Arbitrista said...

funny funny funny!

RageyOne said...

What a cute compare/contrast photo post! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your offices are much nicer than ours were in grad school! ;-)

kermitthefrog said...

Awesome bulletin boards in both offices, but teleportation wins hands down.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Yeah, I'm jealous of your office. I should take a photo of the office that all twenty of us PhD students share. (Now we have three desks in it instead of two!)

StyleyGeek said...

Ugh. I'd hate to share a big office. The one person I share with drives me mad often enough and she works from home most days!

Although I have noticed that in Geekman's office everyone actually, you know, works. It's incredible. I've been in there when all eight of them are there, and there is silence, with every single computer screen showing work-related stuff. At 11 o'clock at night, even.

In our office, it's a miracle if both of us have work stuff up on screen at once, and whenever one person is trying to work, the other is whining about personal issues or trying to be social.

StyleyGeek said...

Yup. University regulations: each PhD student must have an office, a desk, a new computer, stationery supplies, and a certain amount of funding for conferences and fieldwork. The latter is not nearly enough, but all of the former are pretty excellent.

Hell, M.A. students get offices here. And at the uni I did undergrad in in NZ, so did honours students.

Anonymous said...

When I was down on Codfish Island, the fridge was used as a kakapo egg fertility scorecard. Each nest had a row of circles representing eggs -- the number of circles would increase day by day. Then a little dot would appear when the egg had been candled and was fertile. It was all very exciting. We had each been looking after different birds so there was an element of competition to the proceedings.

A busy fridge is a sure sign something interesting is happening.