Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I think it's channeling a psych student

At the library just now, the automatic check-out machine flashed me an error message that said:

"You have unresolved issues with your account. Please see a librarian."


Unknown said...

I hope the librariann has a good couch.

How jellus am I that there is an automatic checkout machine!

luckybuzz said...

Oh, the automatic checkout machine sounds like heaven. Why don't we have one of those? (though, sorry about your account "issues") :)

StyleyGeek said...

Wow, I thought this things were everywhere now. All the libraries I've been to in the last five or six years (in Denmark, New Zealand and Australia, public and university libraries) have them.

You poor Americans, always lagging behind the rest of the world :)

Unknown said...

I know! And I have such librarian shame. That is, I am constantly overdue with something, and fear and dread the wagging finger of the grouchy librarian. Tho', I imagine I might fear and dread the wagging cursor of the auto checkout as well.

Lucy said...

the US is surprisingly behind in some things - online banking and bill paying, and automatic check out machines being the ones I find most frustrating.