Friday, June 23, 2006

Want want want. Covet.

Get your Geoffrey Chaucer merchandise here.

And read his blog, if you don't already, here.


Anonymous said...

StyleyGeek, I so miss reading your blog on a daily basis! These t-shirts are quite the classic objects of literary nerd-ism. They made me think of a book I recently read- about an alternate world where there are literary detectives and a lot crimes that involve...classic fiction. A world that would find those t-shirts quite in-line with every thing else.

Sigh...back to my internets free world for now...

Anonymous said...

hee. I like the last one.

StyleyGeek said...

Poor Turtlebella. No internet sucks. But I love the sound of that world. I think I want to live there. Found any portals lately?

StyleyGeek said...

SB -- you'd appreciate what one of my Chinese students wrote in their assignment a while ago (no one else in the dept I showed it to got the joke).

"All your adjectives are belong to noun phrase."

I think it was unintentional.