Saturday, August 26, 2006

My life's so interesting. Don't you wish you were me?

Last night I spent the whole night dreaming about reading blogs.

Anastasia had posted to say she had been kidnapped by aliens. And Shrinkykitten was contemplating the deeper significance of knitted scarves. Those were the interesting bits. The rest of the dream(s) consisted entirely of me pressing "refresh" on Bloglines 98 million times.

I think I need to have a cut-off point where I stop reading blogs at least an hour before bedtime.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

I've been dreaming about bloggers way too much lately, especially about meeting bloggers in real life. (The oddest one was a really extended dream in which jo(e) brought me along to a family function and everyone looked so different when you could see their faces.) I think I also need to stop reading blogs immediately before going to bed (she says, and then notices that it's midnight).

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, I'm *always* looking for the deeper significance of everything! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, this sounds like moments during a typical day in my life, refreshing bloglines 98 million times. Uh, I mean, no really, I'm not that lame! I have a life! Really.

Jenny said...

Good to know its not just me.